General Dentistry

Scale and Clean

What is a scale and clean procedure?

Scale and CleanA scale and clean is a procedure that is usually carried out by a dental practitioner like the dentist or an oral health therapist, which removes the build-up of calculus (tartar) and plaque on the teeth.

A scale and clean usually involves removing the calculus with a very fine metal instrument that vibrates at a high (ultrasonic) frequency, followed by smoothening and polishing the tooth surface with a fine gritty paste and a rubber cup.

The dental practitioner will usually apply fluoride, a substance found in most toothpaste, after the dental cleaning procedure to eliminate any post-clean sensitivity and help remineralize any early cavities.

Why do I need teeth scaling?

Build up of calculus or calcified plaque occurs over time and cannot be removed easily with a toothbrush. If the calculus build-up isn’t removed regularly, it can lead to inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) or destruction of the underlying bone (periodontitis) in severe cases.

How often should I visit the dentist?

It is recommended to have a dental checkup and clean Sydney or Sydney teeth cleaning done at the dentist once every 6 months for most individuals. But if you have existing problems such as periodontitis, your dentist may require you to return more frequently to monitor your problems.

Can I do it myself at home?

Teeth cleaning or scale and clean procedure must be carried out only by a dental practitioner and should not be attempted at home. If not done correctly, it can lead to adverse consequences like damaging the mouth’s soft tissues like the gums, cheek, and tongue.

In addition, areas of the mouth that cannot be accessed easily by a toothbrush or floss need to be cleaned thoroughly, which can only be done in dental surgery.

Bleeding during scale clean, is it bad for me?

A small amount of bleeding from the gums is generally expected during a scale and clean procedure. However, if the gums bleed excessively, it could be a sign of an underlying issue like gingivitis or periodontitis (gum disease). The dental practitioner can determine the presence and the severity of the problem and suggest ways to manage the gum disease, like proper tooth brushing techniques and interdental cleaning using floss or piksters.

How much does it cost to get teeth cleaning Sydney?

At Sydney CBD Dentistry, we have NO GAP Dental offer or NEW PATIENT special on your first appointment includes a comprehensive examination from our dentist Sydney, an OPG, and 2 bitewings X-rays, following scale clean and polishing. (or $219 for teeth cleaning cost if you don’t have a private health fund).

For returning patients, you can enjoy our RETURN PATIENT SPECIAL for a dental cleaning cost of only $219. Gap payment will depend on your health fund rebate.

General Dentistry

Teeth Cleaning Cost (02) 8090 1105 |

Routine dentist teeth cleaning is one of the most important dental appointments for everyone. Not only does it help individuals maintain good oral hygiene, but with regular teeth scaling it can prevent any minor disease before it becomes a major issue. A good oral hygiene provides a good foundation for any cosmetic dental, such as orthodontic, veneers and teeth whitening. Without a good foundation, dental disease such as gingivitis and periodontitis will weaken your teeth, gum and jaw bone ultimately causing your teeth to fall out.

Dental scale and clean is different from brushing your teeth at home. The equipment at Sydney dental clinics uses various instruments and devices to remove plaque and tartar gathered between your teeth and hard to reach places. The clinician is able to loosen the debris and remove any stain with the ultrasonic scaler and even go underneath the gums for patients with gingivitis or periodontal disease. It is recommended to attend your routine teeth cleaning every 6 months or more frequently if you have gingivitis or periodontal disease.

We are the best dentistry when it comes to teeth cleaning.After a thorough scale and clean from your dentist or oral health therapist a polish and fluoride is admitted to preserve the tooth enamel. Fluoride is extremely important as it helps strengthen the teeth and helps prevent dental decays. After your professional teeth cleaning in Sydney, you will be advised not to eat or drink for the next half an hour. This is to make sure that the fluoride is doing its job of strengthening the teeth enamels.

Teeth Cleaning Price in Sydney

How much is a teeth cleaning cost in Sydney? Most dental clinics in Sydney offer scale and clean for around $250 – $300 which is quite expensive. This is why it is better to look around for teeth cleaning special offers to get it at a discounted price.

Dental Cleaning Cost in Sydney CBD Dentistry

At Sydney CBD Dentistry, if you are a new patient with us, you get a comprehensive examination, scale and clean, polish, fluoride and x-rays (which includes bitewings and OPG) for $219. If you have private health insurance it will be no gap, meaning no out of pocket fee and only charge the claimed amount from the health fund.

If you’re a returning patient coming back for your regular check up and clean, the teeth cleaning price for an existing patient is $219 only, if you see our experienced oral health therapist. For routine dental cleaning this includes; examination, scale and clean, polish and fluoride.

To make sure you’re eligible for any of our no gap dental teeth cleaning services, you must have dental cover with your private health insurance and have not reached your annual dental limit. Remember to bring in your private health insurance card along so we can help you claim on the spot.

Teeth cleaning Sydney is part of preventative dentistry and is a key tool for good oral health and care. If you and your family are already paying for private health insurance. We believe you shouldn’t be paying more out of your pocket for your routine teeth clean. Instead make good use of Sydney CBD dentistry and what we can offer with our no gap dental scale and clean service. As we continue to strive for highest quality in dental care with affordable dental cleaning cost in mind.

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