Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Teeth

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Cosmetic TeethFor patients with crooked teeth, oddly shaped teeth, tooth discolourations, minor tooth fractures, minimal teeth gaps, Cosmetic Dentistry may be the treatment they are looking for.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Sydney specialises in creating a more pleasing smile for the patient through fixing minor imperfections and customising the smile to create a more harmonious appearance and brighter and almost perfect teeth.

Depending on your case, certain Cosmetic Dentistry procedures will be recommended by your best cosmetic dentist Sydney at Sydney CBD Dentistry to help you achieve your expected results for your cosmetic teeth.

In a nutshell, here are the most common Cosmetic Dentistry services Sydney  and why you may need them.

1. Teeth Whitening

This is a treatment for minor tooth discolourations caused by tooth staining from coffee or tea. Also, as we grow older, teeth tend to be more yellow. If you want a more radiant and pleasing smile, teeth whitening may be the procedure for you.

Depending on your preferences, you can opt for an in-house teeth whitening in Sydney or the more advanced In-Chair teeth whitening system that uses SDI PolaOffice+ which promises brighter teeth in just 90 minutes.

2. Dental Veneers

Teeth Veneers are thin shells of either composite resin or porcelain material that are used to treat minimal tooth gaps, tooth fractures, tooth discolourations, and oddly shaped teeth. Usually done in 6 or more units, this creates a harmonious smile.

Depending on your choice of material and considering good oral hygiene, you can expect dental veneers Sydney to last about 5 – 15 years.

3. Dental Crowns

This is essentially a cap placed on the tooth and is usually done after treatment of extensive tooth decay or severe tooth fractures.

Porcelain Fused to Metal Dental Crowns not only protect the fragile tooth underneath but also greatly enhance aesthetics as it hides the tooth through its appearance likened to the natural tooth, therefore, creating a perfect smile.

4. Dental Bridge

This procedure “bridges” a gap caused by missing teeth. It uses the adjacent teeth to create a post and a bridge is done in replacement to the missing teeth.

As with tooth crowns, excellently made dental bridge Sydney perfectly blends with the rest of the natural teeth so you need not worry about having “false” teeth.

5. Invisalign

This is an Orthodontic and Cosmetic treatment done to fix crooked and spaced teeth. In place of traditional metal braces, Invisalign is a custom engineered clear aligner that helps with correcting the bite of the patient.

It is done by the replacement of the clear aligner every now and then to facilitate tooth movement until the correct bite is achieved.

If you think any of the treatments above suit your needs for your smile and teeth, contact our Cosmetic Dentist Sydney at Sydney CBD Dentistry for an appointment and we’d gladly help you through your journey towards a better and healthier smile.


Dentist Sydney

Cosmetic Dentistry

Best Cosmetic Dentist Sydney

Advantages of Cosmetic Dentistry

Best Cosmetic Dentist SydneyDo you have a missing front tooth that makes it uncomfortable for you to smile? Or do you have stains on your teeth as an avid coffee drinker?

If you are unsatisfied with how your teeth look and your confidence when you smile is not at its best, then a Cosmetic Dentist Sydney is what you are looking for.

Through advancements in Dentistry, making your teeth look perfectly polished and your smile beautifully harmonious has never been this easy and reachable.

Our team of best cosmetic dentist Sydney uses the most innovative techniques coupled with modern equipment and quality materials to ensure that your expectations for your dream smile are met.

Here are some of the many ways that our Cosmetic Dentists at Sydney CBD Dentistry can help you with your smile and your general oral health through Cosmetic Dentistry procedures.

  • Corrects minor imperfections of the teeth

This is one of the main reasons why patients opt for Cosmetic Dentistry treatments. Procedures such as composite resin fillings on the front teeth to repair tooth decay or dental veneers to treat minor flaws such as oddly-shaped teeth and minor teeth gaps are some of the procedures that Cosmetic Dentistry in Sydney can help with.

  • Whitens and brightens the teeth

Teeth Whitening Sydney is all the rage nowadays too. Not only does it help with brightening the teeth to improve the smile, but it can also treat stains from coffee or tea.

You can opt for a simple take-home whitening kit or for the in-chair teeth whitening system supervised by our Sydney cosmetic dentists. The latter can drastically improve the appearance of the smile in just an hour. 

  • Creates a more harmonious smile

Dental Veneers Sydney can help with giving you a more proportional smile. Some teeth may look bigger, smaller, less radiant, and less pleasing in appearance.

To fix this, a multi-unit dental veneer can create a more harmonious set of cosmetic teeth by customising the size, shape, colour, and appearance of the teeth depending on your preference and your dentist’s recommendations.

  • Enhances the patient’s self-confidence

A better smile encourages a multitude of benefits for the patient and this includes a relative increase in self-confidence. One of the first things that another person notices about you is your smile and having one that you are most comfortable with gives off a more positive disposition.

  • Improves social activity

As with the improvement in self-esteem, social activities tend to be easier as patients need not worry about their smiles. They are more relaxed when speaking in front of a crowd or their superiors and speaking comes more naturally.

  • Promotes better oral health

Certain Cosmetic Dentistry services Sydney such as dental bridges help with better oral health as this replaces missing teeth and all the other consequences that come with it such as movement of the adjacent and opposing teeth into the spaces which can eventually cause tooth crowding or spacing.

Aside from that, treatment of tooth decay through dental crowns, dental veneers, and tooth fillings can help eliminate future oral health problems such as bad breath and more extensive decay that may necessitate root canal treatment or tooth extraction

For more information on how our best Cosmetic Dentist Sydney can help with your oral health and how we can help you achieve your dream smile, just give us a call and we’d be happy to assist you.


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