Dental veneers provide a timely and effective solution to a variety of tooth problems. This includes finding relief for tooth discolouration, chipped or broken tooth, misaligned or uneven teeth.
Dental veneers have proven its worth over the years making it a very much sought after procedure in the present. Having said that, veneers in Sydney are not cheap making others think twice before getting them.
Dental veneers cost
There are a lot of factors that can affect the overall veneers cost. As mentioned earlier, veneers in Sydney are a bit on the expensive side but it should be noted that patients today are given two options with their dental veneers to fit their budget allocation.
Porcelain and composite dental veneers cost in Sydney have marginal differences each with their own pros and cons.
At Sydney CBD Dentistry, our porcelain veneers cost more which is $1,400 for a single porcelain veneer (for 6 or more porcelain veneers) and $1,800 for less than 6 porcelain veneers. On the other hand, composite veneers cost $695 for a single composite veneer. Sydney CBD Dentistry actually offers the most affordable dental veneers as compared to other dental clinics around Sydney.
Quality vs Cost
Dental veneers do indeed offer plenty of benefits to its wearers making it a very much worthwhile investment. Both veneers perform their job well in providing added protection to the teeth.
It is important to find good balance between the porcelain veneers cost and composite veneers cost. For clients who are looking at long term, porcelain veneers may be the best option for them. Take a good look also of the veneers before and after photos to give you an idea between the two comparison.
Get in touch with your dentist to find what type of veneer best suit your preference and needs.