Cosmetic Dentistry

Full Dental Implants in Sydney (02) 8090 1105 |

Full Dental Implants in SydneyMost people today choose full mouth dental implants or otherwise known as the implant-supported dentures.

Contrary to traditional dentures, full dental implants in Sydney are steady and secured in place, no more need for adhesives.

It provides great benefits for those people who are missing several teeth in a row.

But, you may need to have a lot of teeth removed before all the essential implants can be added, but this would increase the cost of the procedure accordingly.

While dental implant surgery is replacing the root area of the missing tooth with metal like screws that act as a post in which the artificial tooth or crowns are attached.

The artificial teeth looks and functions as real teeth that is why this dental implant procedure is advised instead of having dentures or ill-fitting bridgework.

Permanent dentures in Sydney may be done in several procedures depending on what type of implant you have chosen and your jawbone’s health.

This treatment needs the jawbone to heal tightly around the implant area completely. Implants are placed within the jawbone that acts as the root of the artificial tooth.

Titanium is often used in this kind of procedure because it successfully fuses with the jawbone, it stays in place and it never decays like bridgework.

In the same way, permanent dentures are false teeth fixed to the bone in your jaw, though these implant dentures are not detachable like your common denture and because of this, they exactly feel and look like real teeth. Good news is there is no risk of it falling out while you’re eating, laughing or talking, and you can’t accidentally misplace it as well.

So whatever you are thinking of getting, look no further, because we have full mouth dental implants in Sydney. So book an appointment with your dentist today and enjoy a bright new smile tomorrow.



Sydney CBD Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Best Cosmetic Dental Procedure (02) 8090 1105 |

Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure in SydneyCosmetic dentistry is a dental work that improves the aesthetic appearance of teeth, gums and bites. It improves the colour, size, shape, position, alignment and the overall look of your smile.

So what is the best cosmetic dental procedure today? When you visit your Sydney cosmetic dentist, he/she will give you a lot of options on how to improve your appearance and your smile.

Your cosmetic dentist would show you cosmetic dentistry before and after photos of his/her patients, just to give you an idea of what he/she can do for you.

There are a lot of choices to consider but here are 5 of the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures:

  • Teeth Whitening – most popular, the quickest procedure for smile improvement, most affordable.
  • Enamel Bonding – best treatment for chipped and stained teeth, uses mouldable composite bonding material, directly shaped on the tooth, won’t last as long as porcelain veneers.
  • Dental Veneers– gold standard in the cosmetic dental procedure for decades, thin porcelain shells glued on the tooth surface, best for darkly stained teeth, chipped or fractured front teeth.
  • Invisalign Braces – misalignment causing pain correction.
  • Enamel Abrasion – uses fine pumice in a micro-abrasion machine for surface stain removal. Best in removing superficial stains from tobacco products, wine, soda and coffee. Not advisable for intrinsic stains or stains inside the tooth.

You’re in luck because there are many cosmetic dentistry services in Sydney that are being offered. You can take your pick from veneers, teeth whitening, composite bonding and a lot more.

But whatever you decide, you still have to consult your cosmetic dentist Sydney about your cosmetic teeth. Know your options, choose wisely and enjoy the benefits of a healthy, brilliant smile.



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